Kavanaugh Will Be Confirmed Today. Headline: "We Have The Votes"

Looks like the grandstanding of the Democrats, the delay tactics, the accusation and character assassination without any evidence has not stopped anything. Kavanaugh is expected to be confirmed.
Ford, Feinstein and the Democratic Party and all those of such ilk come out looking like utter fools. What else could happen? All of them on the wrong side of history as we know from the Bible. The wicked flee to the pit. In the end, God can do anything He wants, and shrill little lemmings are powerless before Him.
Post edited by GaoLu on -
Meeting is now starting, it won't be long now.
Time certain for vote is 1:30pm
Democrats are coming unhinged in the meeting.
Half the Democrats have walked out of the meeting. Acting like children.
Something fishy is going on, it's time for the vote and there is a lot of activity in the room....
- What shenanigan are the Democrats getting ready to try?
This is getting really old really fast. Democrats, you lost. Your silver bullet wasn't credible, get over it.
Fear not, Kavanaugh said he will do whatever the committee wants. He may be getting his wish. FBI will investigate. Calm down! CM
Stupid Senator Flake, get a backbone!
Kavanaugh will be reported out of committee to the Senate floor.
An investigation of the FBI will occur. CM
@C_M_ said:
An investigation of the FBI will occur. CMAccording to what?
Yes, "Kavanaugh will be reported out of committee to the Senate floor", but the floor vote will be delayed for a week. The FBI will investigate. Praise God! CM
@C_M_ said:
Yes, "Kavanaugh will be reported out of committee to the Senate floor", but the floor vote will be delayed for a week. The FBI will investigate. Praise God! CMThat wasn't part of the vote, you realize that right? It is up to Mitch McConnel as to whether that happens or not.
Hopefully, with the FBI investigation for a week will help take some of the stenches off of "Kavanaugh, even if he gets on the court.
I believe if the FBI investigate, Kavanaugh will withdraw his name or his name will be pulled. He is too damaged. Either of the above is good for the country. America needs to bring back decency. CM
@C_M_ said:
Hopefully, with the FBI investigation for a week will help take some of the stenches off of "Kavanaugh, even if he gets on the court.I believe if the FBI investigate, Kavanaugh will withdraw his name or his name will be pulled. He is too damaged. Either of the above is good for the country. America needs to bring back decency. CM
What makes you think they are going to investigate? That wasn't voted on. It wasn't decided. It hasn't been ordered. Even if they do, THERE IS NOTHING TO INVESTIGATE.
@reformed said:
@C_M_ said:
Yes, "Kavanaugh will be reported out of committee to the Senate floor", but the floor vote will be delayed for a week. The FBI will investigate. Praise God! CMThat wasn't part of the vote, you realize that right? It is up to Mitch McConnel as to whether that happens or not.
But since the alleged assault didn't happen, Judge Kavanaugh has nothing to fear from an objective fact-finder's review of the available data, right? And since...
- ...Dr Blasey Ford has "no credibility whatsoever"
- ...her story is obviously fabricated or recreated or reflects serious misidentification
- ...Mark Judge will be SUCH a compelling witness when asked follow up questions by trained FBI investigators about Judge Kavanaugh's alcohol consumption and party life
- ...and if the FBI finds any of the other people who were at the party Dr Blasey Ford identifies as the location of her assault, they will certainly ALL say Brett Kavanaugh was not "stumbling drunk" and they never knew him to drink until "stumbling drunk," and he never went upstairs...
...why, no Kavanaugh supporter - not even majority leader McConnell - has anything to fear from an FBI investigation.
This is a good and hopeful development for everyone. Let's pray leader McConnell accepts the opportunity to do the right thing.
@reformed said:
@C_M_ said:
Yes, "Kavanaugh will be reported out of committee to the Senate floor", but the floor vote will be delayed for a week. The FBI will investigate. Praise God! CMThat wasn't part of the vote, you realize that right? It is up to Mitch McConnel as to whether that happens or not.
No, it's up to the President to order the FBI investigation. There will be a break in the vote from the floor and one week FBI investigation. Accept it! I told you, Republicans read my posts.
@Bill_Coley said:
@reformed said:
@C_M_ said:
Yes, "Kavanaugh will be reported out of committee to the Senate floor", but the floor vote will be delayed for a week. The FBI will investigate. Praise God! CMThat wasn't part of the vote, you realize that right? It is up to Mitch McConnel as to whether that happens or not.
But since the alleged assault didn't happen, Judge Kavanaugh has nothing to fear from an objective fact-finder's review of the available data, right? And since...
- ...Dr Blasey Ford has "no credibility whatsoever"
- ...her story is obviously fabricated or recreated or reflects serious misidentification
- ...Mark Judge will be SUCH a compelling witness when asked follow up questions by trained FBI investigators about Judge Kavanaugh's alcohol consumption and party life
- ...and if the FBI finds any of the other people who were at the party Dr Blasey Ford identifies as the location of her assault, they will certainly ALL say Brett Kavanaugh was not "stumbling drunk" and they never knew him to drink until "stumbling drunk," and he never went upstairs...
...why, no Kavanaugh supporter - not even majority leader McConnell - has anything to fear from an FBI investigation.
This is a good and hopeful development for everyone. Let's pray leader McConnell accepts the opportunity to do the right thing.
No, nothing to fear, but also no reason to delay another week. It's absurd and just another play in the Democrat delay playbook. Flake is a chump.
@C_M_ said:
@reformed said:
@C_M_ said:
Yes, "Kavanaugh will be reported out of committee to the Senate floor", but the floor vote will be delayed for a week. The FBI will investigate. Praise God! CMThat wasn't part of the vote, you realize that right? It is up to Mitch McConnel as to whether that happens or not.
No, it's up to the President to order the FBI investigation. There will be a break in the vote from the floor and one week FBI investigation. Accept it! I told you, Republicans read my posts.
It is not up to the President what happens on the Senate floor. Yes, he orders the investigation, but he does not decide what the Senate does or does not do. So no, you are not correct.
@reformed said:
@Bill_Coley said:
@C_M_ said:
@reformed said:
@C_M_ said:
Yes, "Kavanaugh will be reported out of committee to the Senate floor", but the floor vote will be delayed for a week. The FBI will investigate. Praise God! CMThat wasn't part of the vote, you realize that right? It is up to Mitch McConnel as to whether that happens or not.
No, it's up to the President to order the FBI investigation. There will be a break in the vote from the floor and one week FBI investigation. Accept it! I told you, Republicans read my posts.
It is not up to the President what happens on the Senate floor. Yes, he orders the investigation, but he does not decide what the Senate does or does not do. So no, you are not correct.
Please re-read. comprehension. CM
@C_M_ said:
@reformed said:
@Bill_Coley said:
@C_M_ said:
@reformed said:
@C_M_ said:
Yes, "Kavanaugh will be reported out of committee to the Senate floor", but the floor vote will be delayed for a week. The FBI will investigate. Praise God! CMThat wasn't part of the vote, you realize that right? It is up to Mitch McConnel as to whether that happens or not.
No, it's up to the President to order the FBI investigation. There will be a break in the vote from the floor and one week FBI investigation. Accept it! I told you, Republicans read my posts.
It is not up to the President what happens on the Senate floor. Yes, he orders the investigation, but he does not decide what the Senate does or does not do. So no, you are not correct.
Please re-read. comprehension. CM
I read it. You said there will be a one week delay. Except, as of now, that is not true.
Kavanaugh has to go. The pending FBI investigation gives the Senate and Trump cover to drop Kavanaugh. He's damaged goods. It will also help bring back decency to America.
PS. Jeff Flake has much backbone. CM
Kavanaugh lacks the temperament for the "High Court". Please admit this! CM
PS. Stop calling people (in general) names when things don't go your way. CM
@C_M_ said:
Kavanaugh has to go. The pending FBI investigation gives the Senate and Trump cover to drop Kavanaugh. He's damaged goods. It will also help bring back decency to America.CM
PS. Jeff Flake has much backbone. CM
There is no pending investigation.
@C_M_ said:
Kavanaugh lacks the temperament for the "High Court". Please admit this! CMPS. Stop calling people (in general) names when things don't go your way. CM
Lacks the temperament? We've been over this, that is ridiculous.
@reformed said:
There is no pending investigation.
EDIT: That is, assuming the White House agrees to ask for one. And we all know Trump will not stand in the way of this approaching locomotive.
There will be a FBI Investigation. IN the bag! The lawyer for Mark Judge has agreed that his client will cooperate with the FBI. This is a sure thing! CM
Good grief. I guess we will have a new justice next Monday. For the record, this is stupid to halt the Supreme Court over the baseless accusations of a woman who has no witnesses, no evidence whatsoever. No scene or date of crime.
It's official the committee has made a formal request for the FBI investigation. Latest news. CM