Sexual assault ... what is that?
![[Deleted User]](
With many threads about the recent political matter involving Ford vs Kavanaugh, I am by now a bit confused and have lost bearings on what the accusations are really about. I thought it had to do with accusations about SEXUAL ASSAULT.
I am wondering what actually constitutes "sexual assault"?? By now, it appears to me that it may have become impossible for young male USA citizens to approach a female and "flirt" with her in order to perhaps start a relationship ... because such active attempt at approaching a female could be backfiring at the male in no time as "sexual assault".
Actually, if a wife desires a divorce from her husband, the easiest and most likely successful way to do it is accuse him of "sexual assault", even though he may not have done anything different to initiate some intimacy from what the two have done for years ...
What has become of courtship? Are we well on the way to having fully arranged marriages where groom and bride better not even have met before the wedding ?
Everyone in America has their own truth and definition these days. Vigilante feeling sessions held via media determine who is the winner, whose feelings that day feel best to the noisiest crowd.
Christians stand by in baffled head-shaking disbelief and go on living among them hoping to win a few--and they do!