Syria ... who are the liars?
@C_M_ said:
Answer: "In February 2014, Russia made several military incursions into Ukrainian territory. After Euromaidan protests and the fall of Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, Russian soldiers without insignias took control of strategic positions and infrastructure within the Ukrainian territory of Crimea". CMThis is USA/NATO propaganda to cover up the coup instigated by USA t overthrow the legally elected president and government of the Ukraine ... one only needs to look at the situation in Ukraine now to see how the USA/NATO used Ukraine in order to instigate a war against Russia ... which they are still in the process of trying.
Do you realize that the Ukraine NAZI regime now in power is what the USA supported?As for the situation on Crimea, I suggest that you inform yourself better ... if you do, you will learn a few things quite different from what you have been fed by mainstream propaganda media. For example, you might learn about the background of the Crimea situation in regards to its history, its population, the US Navy's official presence there etc ...
Do you not know that a major purpose for the whole USA/NATO staged coup in Ukraine was to take over the Russian naval base at Sevastopol? ? -
I don't live there. How would I know what is the truth about the "Russian naval base at Sevastopol? Propaganda, lies and the truth who knows?
Do you not know that a major purpose for the whole USA/NATO staged coup in Ukraine was to take over the Russian naval base at Sevastopol?
One reason Putin wants to break up NATO if what you said is true. What is so, Russia is no Israel. Is Russia being a bit paranoid about some things and NATO? CM
@C_M_ said:
One reason Putin wants to break up NATO if what you said is true. What is so, Russia is no Israel. Is Russia being a bit paranoid about some things and NATO? CMRussia (as well as a few other countries) are not submitting to the globalist and Israel dominated USA/NATO but insist on being sovereign instead ... the result being that the world hegemon is waging war against them (currently more in economic than military scenario).
The Anglo/American/Zionist empire still pursuing their goals of ruling - dominating absolutely - the world. While maintaining outward appearance of absolute military power, they are crumbling on the inside ... drowning in national debt, moral depravity, etc. on their course of enslaving their population as much as possible.
Perhaps the situation in Syria marks some kind of change, because they did not achieve their goal there and are now retreating leaving their allies hanging ...
@Wolfgang said:
@C_M_ said:
One reason Putin wants to break up NATO if what you said is true. What is so, Russia is no Israel. Is Russia being a bit paranoid about some things and NATO? CMRussia (as well as a few other countries) are not submitting to the globalist and Israel dominated USA/NATO but insist on being sovereign instead ... the result being that the world hegemon is waging war against them (currently more in economic than military scenario).
Israel is not part of NATO.
The Anglo/American/Zionist empire still pursuing their goals of ruling - dominating absolutely - the world. While maintaining outward appearance of absolute military power, they are crumbling on the inside ... drowning in national debt, moral depravity, etc. on their course of enslaving their population as much as possible.
I agree with the parts about drowning in national debt and moral depravity. However I don't see dominating the world as a reality.
@reformed said:
Israel is not part of NATO.that is correct ... however, the Zionist regime has very heavy influence on Washington and dictates with its grip much of USA foreign policy and thus also has effect on NATO.
The Anglo/American/Zionist empire still pursuing their goals of ruling - dominating absolutely - the world. While maintaining outward appearance of absolute military power, they are crumbling on the inside ... drowning in national debt, moral depravity, etc. on their course of enslaving their population as much as possible.
I agree with the parts about drowning in national debt and moral depravity. However I don't see dominating the world as a reality.
Do a comparison and have a look at a world map and where the USA has military bases compared to where other countries, such as Russia, have military bases ...
Israel holds her own. Don't mess with Israel!
The Anglo/American/Zionist empire still pursuing their goals of ruling dominating absolutely - the world. While maintaining outward appearance of absolute military power, they are crumbling on the inside ... drowning in national debt, moral depravity, etc. on their course of enslaving their population as much as possible.
Trump's crazy, one-sized tax cut is to blame.
I agree with the parts about drowning in national debt and moral depravity. However I don't see dominating the world as a reality.
Do a comparison and have a look at a world map and where the USA has military bases compared to where other countries, such as Russia, have military bases ...
Simple answer: For too long, too few people, held too much power, and too much money in the then USSR. Russia lacks vision and goodwill toward peace-loving countries. She loves to force her way on countries instead of build alliances. America, dump Trump! And you will be great again. CM
@C_M_ said:
Simple answer: For too long, too few people, held too much power, and too much money in the then USSR. Russia lacks vision and goodwill toward peace-loving countries. She loves to force her way on countries instead of build alliances. America, dump Trump! And you will be great again. CMSeldom read such non-sense and misinformed propaganda as you display here. You seem to mistake Russia for the USA ?
@Wolfgang said:
@C_M_ said:
Simple answer: For too long, too few people, held too much power, and too much money in the then USSR. Russia lacks vision and goodwill toward peace-loving countries. She loves to force her way on countries instead of build alliances. America, dump Trump! And you will be great again. CMSeldom read such non-sense and misinformed propaganda as you display here. You seem to mistake Russia for the USA ?
What is Russia doing in Ukraine? CM
America leaving Syria endorses Assad's behavior and the gasing of innocent people? CM
Update: America is not really leaving Syria. You can't trust Trump's words.
Syria conflict: Bolton says US withdrawal is conditional
The withdrawal of US troops from Syria depends on certain conditions, US National Security Adviser John Bolton says, in a further indication that the process is being slowed down.
On a trip to Israel and Turkey, he said he would seek Turkish assurances that Kurds in northern Syria would be safe.
The US also wants to ensure that the remnants of the Islamic State (IS) group are defeated, he added.
President Donald Trump has faced strong criticism over the planned US pullout.
When he first announced the move in the middle of December, he said: "They're all coming back and they're coming back now."After the president made his announcement on 19 December, US officials said American forces had been given 30 days to leave Syria.
In his announcement, Mr Trump had also declared that IS had been "defeated".
However, speaking on Sunday before leaving for his Camp David retreat, he told reporters:* "We're going to be removing our troops. I never said we were doing it that quickly.
* "We're pulling out of Syria... and we won't be finally pulled out until Isis [IS] is gone."
Trump's words are like a leaky bucket at a house fire. The man is not leading or a leader. The poor "Kurds" and the American treasury in Trump's mouth is destruction for both. CM
Currently obviously not much ... what did the USA/NATO do in Ukraine (remember the USA instigated coup in 2014? remember the confession of the lady Nuland from US administration at the time?) in order to push their influence right to the Russian border?
What are USA / NATO military doing in Ukraine in recent years? -
@Wolfgang said:
Currently obviously not much ... what did the USA/NATO do in Ukraine (remember the USA instigated coup in 2014? remember the confession of the lady Nuland from US administration at the time?) in order to push their influence right to the Russian border?
What are USA / NATO military doing in Ukraine in recent years?Can't answer, forget it. Be aware, the US Troops will not leave Syria no time soon. This is what you really want to know. Who are the liars? You tell me. CM
PS. Israel reminded America of her and her enemies.
@C_M_ said:
Can't answer, forget it. Be aware, the US Troops will not leave Syria no time soon. This is what you really want to know.The longer they stay, the more they prove the disregard of the USA for other countries and their willingness to invade countries in a move of aggression ... of course, only as long as they feel sure about their military advantage. The USA has absolutely no right of any kind to have military forces in Syria ... their doings are a plain violation of the sovereignty of another country.
Why are the USAS forces in Syria? .... in essence and in short, to fight for the benefit of Zionist Israel while there exists no threat to the USA from Syria.
PS. Israel reminded America of her and her enemies.
The Zionists will "remind" (dictate !) to anyone and everyone ... especially those over whom they have a strong political lobby power.
@Wolfgang said:
@C_M_ said:
Can't answer, forget it. Be aware, the US Troops will not leave Syria no time soon. This is what you really want to know.The longer they stay, the more they prove the disregard of the USA for other countries and their willingness to invade countries in a move of aggression ... of course, only as long as they feel sure about their military advantage. The USA has absolutely no right of any kind to have military forces in Syria ... their doings are a plain violation of the sovereignty of another country.
Why are the USAS forces in Syria? .... in essence and in short, to fight for the benefit of Zionist Israel while there exists no threat to the USA from Syria.
PS. Israel reminded America of her and her enemies.
The Zionists will "remind" (dictate !) to anyone and everyone ... especially those over whom they have a strong political lobby power.
Slow down, Wolfgang, careful, Israel has a relationship with the U.S.A. Are you jealous of their relationship? Let the truth be told, the USA would fight to the death for Israel.
@ Wolfgang said: The USA has absolutely no right of any kind to have military forces in Syria ... their doings are a plain violation of the sovereignty of another country.
You may have a point to a degree, but the US would not leave Israel alone like a big brother and his little sister in a new school with bullies. Why you don't seem to be happy for Israel and her security to survive? CM
@C_M_ said:
@Wolfgang said:
PS. Israel reminded America of her and her enemies.
The Zionists will "remind" (dictate !) to anyone and everyone ... especially those over whom they have a strong political lobby power.
Slow down, Wolfgang, careful, Israel has a relationship with the U.S.A. Are you jealous of their relationship? Let the truth be told, the USA would fight to the death for Israel.
The Zionists have indeed a "relationship" with others ... they dictate and dominate and have others fight their wars and sacrifice their people
@ Wolfgang said: The USA has absolutely no right of any kind to have military forces in Syria ... their doings are a plain violation of the sovereignty of another country.
You may have a point to a degree, but the US would not leave Israel alone like a big brother and his little sister in a new school with bullies.
See above ... the Anglo/Zionist lobby for more than a century has manipulated behind the scenes to achieve the dominion it has in view at the cost of wars and millions of people dead.
Why you don't seem to be happy for Israel and her security to survive? CM
See above ... maybe because things look different from reading up on history and documents even from the late 19th century onward? maybe from realizing that Zionism and the Zionist state in Palestine has nothing whatever to do with Biblical Israel ?
@Wolfgang said:
See above ... maybe because things look different from reading up on history and documents even from the late 19th century onward? maybe from realizing that Zionism and the Zionist state in Palestine has nothing whatever to do with Biblical Israel?Don't be unkind. Hold your piece! Jewish blood and roots run deep! CM
@C_M_ said:
Don't be unkind. Hold your piece! Jewish blood and roots run deep! CMIn case you don't know or haven't realized it ... Jewish blood and roots are not part of Zionism. Zionism and Zionists claims are to their own "Jewish" religion and ideology, dreaming of ruling the world from Jerusalem ...
@Wolfgang said: "Zionists claims are to their own "Jewish" religion and ideology, dreaming of ruling the world from Jerusalem ..."
Radical Muslims and America "skinheads" (Arian Nations) said the same thing. Leave the Jews alone! Four Americans died today in Syria. Trump telegraphed his moves in advance. Something he criticizes Mr. Obama in the past. It's the likelihood that the blood of these Americans is directly on Mr. Trump's hands. He's too reckless. What family, soldier, or contractor would trust their lives in the hands of this man? Would you? CM -
Do you even know what you are talking about with "Arian nations"? Or are you just trying to slam me by putting me into a certain corner because you don't like the truth of WHAT was said?
Leave the Jews alone!
I am ... I am talking about ZIONISTS
Four Americans died today in Syria.
Why were American soldiers in Syria? Who had asked them to be there and participate in overthrowing the Syrian government?
Trump telegraphed his moves in advance. Something he criticizes Mr. Obama in the past. It's the likelihood that the blood of these Americans is directly on Mr. Trump's hands. He's too reckless. What family, soldier, or contractor would trust their lives in the hands of this man? Would you? CM
Seems more like US troops have been illegally in Syria from before the Trump administration ... illegally. If they are killed, that is just too bad. Soldiers engaging in war action have the risk of being killed. Harsh words ... applicable to all, including USA troops.
@Wolfgang said:
Seems more like US troops have been illegally in Syria from before the Trump administration ... illegally. If they are killed, that is just too bad. Soldiers engaging in war action have the risk of being killed. Harsh words ... applicable to all, including USA troops.
US troops are in Syria in being obedience to duty and the US President. I am saddened by your "Harsh words" concerning the four USA Servicemen. America was trying to protect the Kurds to some degree and stand with Israel. Showing compassion. CM
@C_M_ said:
US troops are in Syria in being obedience to duty and the US President. I am saddened by your "Harsh words" concerning the four USA Servicemen. America was trying to protect the Kurds to some degree and stand with Israel. Showing compassion. CM"stand with Israel" ... as I mentioned before, USA is sacrificing its youth for the Zionists.
@Wolfgang said:
@C_M_ said: "US troops are in Syria in being obedience to duty and the US President. I am saddened by your "Harsh words" concerning the four USA Servicemen. America was trying to protect the Kurds to some degree and stand with Israel. Showing compassion". CM
"stand with Israel" ... as I mentioned before, USA is sacrificing its youth for the Zionists.
I get the feeling something is, generally, one-sided with your views on this matter. Are you willing to say the above about all of America's wars? CM
@C_M_ said:
I get the feeling something is, generally, one-sided with your views on this matter. Are you willing to say the above about all of America's wars? CMTaking a more careful look at available historical sources from different countries in the leading up periods to the wars of the 20th-2st century, there seems little doubt about the Anglo/American/Zionist "higher powers" being at work behind the scenes to instigate and cause them for the overall benefit of "the empire"
As for the USA, it seems rather clear nowadays, how they were pulled into the 2 WW by British powers in company with Zionist aid pulling strings with US presidents then in power to draw the USA into the conflicts. -
@Wolfgang said:
@C_M_ said:
I get the feeling something is, generally, one-sided with your views on this matter. Are you willing to say the above about all of America's wars? CMTaking a more careful look at available historical sources from different countries in the leading up periods to the wars of the 20th-2st century, there seems little doubt about the Anglo/American/Zionist "higher powers" being at work behind the scenes to instigate and cause them for the overall benefit of "the empire"
As for the USA, it seems rather clear nowadays, how they were pulled into the 2 WW by British powers in company with Zionist aid pulling strings with US presidents then in power to draw the USA into the conflicts.What is this, apparent, obsession with this "Zionist" (Anglo and/or American) thing? You seem to be willing to lay every wrong in the world at their feet. What a worldview? I hope I am wrong. CM