Racism ... what is that?
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Nowadays one can hear and read all over the place and especially in main stream about "racism" ... there are "campaigns against racism", "racism related crimes", "racist remarks", etc etc etc.
Is this actually a typical "something" that has been popularized in so-called Western culture and specifically in certain countries?
What is racism about? Is just the acknowledgement of the natural fact that there are people of different color, different genetical heritage, etc. already something to be condemned?
Can only people of a certain color be accused of being "racist" whereas such can't be said about people of other color(s)?
Are there other aspects related to the topic?
Wolfgang asked: Is this actually a typical "something" that has been popularized in so-called Western culture and specifically in certain countries?
I think the current social construct of race was both created and popularized in the west especially the theory of one's pigment having something to do with their classification. On a number of exams given in grade school in the test a field for one to enter for test takers to enter their race tends to be present probably for census or statistic purposes. I am not sure if this happens outside of the states, but I know for a fact is does not happen in Japan. In Japan people may on rare occasions ask my nationality but never have I been asked my ethnicity race, nor have I ever been asked about year around tanned skin/pigment. In my experience the Japanese (unlike the westerns) do not care about such matters, what matters is knowing(following) their social norms, cultural, and language.
Wolfgang asked: Is just the acknowledgement of the natural fact that there are people of different color, different genetical heritage, etc. already something to be condemned?
'Just' the acknowledgement of differences is not an issue, however, when one or more use those 'classification' to discriminate against others or enacted laws against others this where the problem starts. And, when one forgets that another individual may or may not act or think according to the stereotype classification based on the pigment of their skin and thus are judge based on their pigment rather than considering their character, social upbringing, demographics I believe therein lies an brewing issue.
Wolfgang asked: Can only people of a certain color be accused of being "racist" whereas such can't be said about people of other color(s)?
No, anyone (and social group) can be racist and/or Xenophobic. The country I live in can be said to be at times Xenophobic however I have personal not experienced anything that I would classific as racisism or xenophbe being directed at my person.
DISCLAIMER ONE: I do not believe that color or pigment always is indicative of what group one belongs to. Actually I know from personal experience as an individual of 'mixed' heritage that color/pigment is not.
DISCLAIMER TWO: What I have mentioned about Japan is only related to my experiences in Japan.
Grace and peace
Post edited by Mitchell on -
Hate is Hate whether it called Racism or something complete different. Here in the current news are some examples of what hate might look like in the real world. Is it Xenophobia, Racism, or something else completely I will leave up to you.