George Floyd ... autopsy report reveals real cause of death
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The result of the autopsy shows that George Floyd was not killed by police.
The toxicology report indicates that George Floyd died from a concentration of Fentanyl in his blood which was about three times the fatal dose. Fentanyl is a dangerous opioid far more potent than heroin. The analysis can be found in the article linked here:
Here's na article from (the not so well liked critical journalist) P.C. Roberts with information on G. Floyd's death
While this is certainly interesting, there is no excuse for what the officer did.
@reformed While this is certainly interesting, there is no excuse for what the officer did.
The question for me in light of the autopsy report is more, what actually did the police officer do? Since there are no marks on the neck which would indicate excessive force or injury according to the autopsy, then what actually happened? I have seen people arrested who had their arms restricted and yelled "you are breaking my arm", but was that what the officer did? No! Since Mr. Floyd apparently resisted arrest (just verbally? I doubt that .... ), the officers obviously took some more drastic and perhaps more than actually necessary measures to keep him down and hold the heavily drugged out of control person down ... Sure, Floyd yelled "I can't breathe ..." (as did the other dude mentioned above, yell "you break my arm" ) ... but what was in reality the case??
We shouldn't just believe Media propaganda talk blindly (that is, have "blind faith" in what they write and proclaim), but instead endeavor to evaluate sensibly and carefully the bits of information available from different sources to see what makes more sense and what is more probable
By the way, to clarify, I am not excusing police brutality as such ... and there surely is such seen quite often and perhaps present in this case alsos ... BUT one should carefully read and not fall for what is obviously a big propaganda issue that has been instrumentalized to wreck and ruin a large portion (the white population) of the USA and even across the world
Here is some more information concerning G. Floyd and the circumstances of his death ....
Truth is the first victim in politics. Factions and passions rule. Random facts are picked as weapons, no one thinks things through.
We need to understand the facts surrounding the death of George Floyd.
Many key facts are being ignored:
- Floyd’s blood tests showed a concentration of Fentanyl of about three times the fatal dose.
- Fentanyl is a dangerous opioid 50 times more potent than heroin. It has rapidly become the most common cause of death among drug addicts.
- The knee hold used by the police is not a choke hold, it does not impede breathing. It is a body restraint and is not known to have ever caused fatal injury.
- Floyd already began to complain “I can’t breathe” a few minutes before the neck restraint was applied, while resisting the officers when they tried to get him into the squad car. Fentanyl affects the breathing, causing death by respiratory arrest.
- It was normal procedure to restrain Floyd because he was resisting arrest, probably in conjunction with excited delirium (EXD), an episode of violent agitation brought on by a drug overdose, typically brief and ending in death from cardiopulmonary arrest.
- The official autopsy did indeed give cardiopulmonary arrest as the cause of death, and stated that injuries he sustained during the arrest were not life-threatening.
- Videos of the arrest do not show police beating or striking Floyd, only calmly restraining him
- In one video Floyd is heard shouting and groaning loudly and incoherently while restrained on the ground, which appears to be a sign of the violent, shouting phase of EXD. His ability to resist four officers trying to get him into the squad car is typical of EXD cases. A short spurt of superhuman strength is a classic EXD symptom.
Minneapolis police officers have been charged with Floyd’s murder. Yet all the evidence points to the fact that Floyd had taken a drug overdose so strong that his imminent death could hardly have been prevented. In all likelihood, the police were neither an intentional nor accidental cause of his death. These crucial facts have been completely ignored in the uproar.
It is widely believed that George Floyd died from a police officer’s knee on his neck, whether due to asphyxiation or neck injury. That may be how it looks, to a naïve viewer. In reality, the county autopsy report says he died of a heart attack,[1] and states that there were “no life-threatening injuries.” Then how could they conclude it was homicide?
I agree!
I think when society starts accepting abuses and excessive force by people in power no citizen regarless of ethnictity, skin pigmentation, gender, creed, faith or any other catagory No one can be sure of his/her safety.
@Mitchell posted:
I think when society starts accepting abuses and excessive force by people in power no citizen regarless of ethnictity, skin pigmentation, gender, creed, faith or any other catagory No one can be sure of his/her safety.
I appreciate your reference to "people in power." As most commonly defined in the modern era, power is the key difference between bigotry -- animus and intolerance toward races, ideas, beliefs, etc different from one's own -- and racism -- the imposition of bigoted views via systemic influence and actions. I agree with your assertion that no one in a society can be certain of his or her safety if anyone in that society is the victim of tolerated abuses of power.
@Mitchell I think when society starts accepting abuses and excessive force by people in power
which society at large accepts abuse of power? what abuse of what power? dictatorship power, perhaps mafia power, perhaps other corruption ideological or religious power? can a society even exist peacefully if there is no power of any kind? I would say that the German chancellor and presidents of our federal states are abusing their power by instituting totally unreasonable and ineffective lockdown measures, and by that inflicting by far more "collateral damage" than what damage was caused by an infection epidemic ...
no citizen regarless of ethnictity, skin pigmentation, gender, creed, faith or any other catagory No one can be sure of his/her safety.
Do you think a society can be safe by eliminating the power altogether (such as seems to be the case in some places in the USA at this time)? also, how much of the media propagated abuse is even actually abuse ?? if someone violently resists a valid arrest, what is the power / police to do if just about any action they might take would nowadays be termed "abusive" by main stream media and the "liberal" powers behind them?
@Wolfgang which society at large accepts abuse of power?
The point of my statement was clearly that we should be careful that society does not start accepting abuses and excessive force.
@Wolfgang Do you think a society can be safe by eliminating the power altogether
Wolfgang where did I say or suggest anything similar to above assertion of yours in the question above?
@Mitchell The point of my statement was clearly that we should be careful that society does not start accepting abuses and excessive force.
In light of the context of events referred to in this thread, it appeared to me that your statement could be misunderstood slightly differently, cp. what you wrote earlier:
@Mitchell posted:
I think when society starts accepting abuses and excessive force by people in power no citizen regarless of ethnictity, skin pigmentation, gender, creed, faith or any other catagory No one can be sure of his/her safety.
Thus also my question for clarification:
See above ... I may have misunderstood your post.
@Wolfgang Do you think a society can be safe by eliminating the power altogether?
I am still not sure how you can assume my statement to have anything to do with "eliminating power altogether" or some desire for a state of anarchy?
For me your question seems to suggest a paradigm where there is only two polarized answers or conclusions. On these forums and in conversations with you I have mentioned before that I personally reject false dilemmas, but just in case you forgot I now remind you.
Anyway, I doubt that you or anyone else actually believes that society has ever been in state of utopia, but does that mean that answer is to get read of society? Perhaps society could be innovated, rethought, reviewed, revised, reformed, overhauled, or anything other number of possibilities?
Here's an article from P.C. Roberts with information on the George Floyd situation ... one may wonder if the facts from autopsy report truth will ever have some input on what really happened