Christian Debate has died from Covid-19?
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It seems that something drastic has happened to CD forum ... I am planning to go on quarantine and now keep my "wisdom" to myself. Maybe happier days are coming "one of these days"
yeah it died with COVID. However, I have noticed this trend on other forums as well.
Just when I discover the revived CD, it is dead! :(
@JustinGatlin posted:
Just when I discover the revived CD, it is dead! :(
Welcome to this version of the CD forums, Justin! I have good memories of our interactions in the Faithlife version several years ago. I don't have a clue as to the subjects we covered, but I remember enjoying our exchanges. I hope we'll find ways to re-engage in this edition.
Thanks @Bill_Coley ! I remember some good interaction too. I am a little disappointed that this version seems to mostly be a political debate site with vague Christian overtones, but I will try it out for a while.
@JustinGatlin posted:
Thanks @Bill_Coley ! I remember some good interaction too. I am a little disappointed that this version seems to mostly be a political debate site with vague Christian overtones, but I will try it out for a while.
A significant portion of the discussion in these forums has been about political and governmental matters. And hard as it is to believe in these days of such profound national unity, those discussions have actually produced some disagreements. Imagine that. 😛
The one consistent subject of our biblical/theological conversations has been the Trinity. There are profound disagreements among us as to the divinity of Christ - whether Jesus was God. I've been amazed by the stubborn resilience of that subject; it keeps coming up. My own view is that we are all entitled to our points of view, opinions often forged after years of faithful prayer, Bible study, and discipleship. And since we're not likely to change our views, we ought to acknowledge and respect our differences and move on to other issues. But the Trinity keeps coming up! In all candor, I happen to be passionate in my views on that question - views that are products of decades of study and reflection - and I certainly have contributed to the Trinity's staying power in the CD forums. I hope we will welcome whatever views you express, on whatever biblical, spiritual, theological, ecclesiastical, (or political) matter.
Some ramblings about the current CD culture... for what they're worth.
@Bill_Coley The one consistent subject of our biblical/theological conversations has been the Trinity. There are profound disagreements among us as to the divinity of Christ - whether Jesus was God. I've been amazed by the stubborn resilience of that subject; it keeps coming up. My own view is that we are all entitled to our points of view, opinions often forged after years of faithful prayer, Bible study, and discipleship. And since we're not likely to change our views, we ought to acknowledge and respect our differences and move on to other issues. But the Trinity keeps coming up! In all candor, I happen to be passionate in my views on that question - views that are products of decades of study and reflection - and I certainly have contributed to the Trinity's staying power in the CD forums. I hope we will welcome whatever views you express, on whatever biblical, spiritual, theological, ecclesiastical, (or political) matter.
Curious how goes your study of Priestly Prayer in John 17 by Jesus that includes:
John 17:5 (NLT) Now, Father, bring me into the glory we shared before the world began.
John 17:24 (NLT) Then they can see all the glory you gave me because you loved me even before the world began!
Before the world began predates Gd breathing life into dust for the human creation of Adam. Can prayer by Jesus be True if Jesus is not Gd ?
Also cognizant knowledge does not equal belief action. Humans can know Truth with belief choosing to go another way: e.g. Jeremiah 38:14-27 (where fear provided a King an excuse for not obeying Gd so Jerusalem was burned even though the King received Gd's Truth via Jeremiah)
Considering current U.S.A. situation, wondering if 2020 presidential elections will be engulfed by chaos that needs U.N. invasion to restore order ? If violent protesters do not like who is elected, then what happens ? Whose lives matter as violence spews out ? (Prayers include tears for Atlanta where a black man fired a rifle that killed an eight year old black girl)
What the world needs now is Love, Gd's Love, no not just for some, but for everyone... Love our neighbors as ourselves. Love Gd 1st in everything so we can look in the mirror to see Gd's image in us so know everyone is very special, loved by Gd. Does Gd like our sin? No. Gd Loves us 😍
Keep Smiling 😊
Hi distinguished posters:
Found about this site by stumbling on a BK post in Logos Forums, clicking on his activity and discovered this replacing CD.
I am happy to see familiar names: Wolfgang, Gao Lu, BK, Bill, etc. hope all is going well.
Also from the L Forums: KS4J, Jan, etc.
For a while I went to Christian Chat when CD went down, and kind of read that it was run by Navy Seals, and were monitoring your writing and they were not liable for disclosing info to ???... etc.
Then saw that there were persons posing as Christians and were threatening posters, etc. There seemed to be genuine Christians, and had good exchanges, but also ran into some real denominationalists, and was threatened with imprecatory prayer, etc.
I am glad to see that much better system is set up here, just too bad I am joining late.
Blessings to all, and looking forward to learning and having my conceptual framework enlarged by some of the information shared here.
Greetings HamiltonR and welcome!
It's been a while since we last talked but I remember our conversations on CD. There aren't a lot of active members on these forums but I hope you will enjoy it here.
Grace and Peace